Modeling of Human Welder Response for Robotic Welding(2)

2014年国际机器人焊接、智能化与自动化会议(RWIA'2014)暨第十届中国机器人焊接会议(CCRW'2014)——Combining human welder and automated welding systems can lead to next generation intelligent welding robots.This research develops intelligent welding robot by learning human welder intelligence using various methods.

关键词: 焊工 虚拟焊接系统 传感器 焊接技术 2014年国际机器人焊接、智能化与自动化会议(RWIA'2014)暨第十届中国机器人焊接会议(CCRW'2014)

主讲人:Prof. Yuming Zhang 机构:Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,University of Kentucky

时长:0:14:32 年代:2014年