Automation and Intelligent Control Severe Challenge to Welding Engineering

2014年国际机器人焊接、智能化与自动化会议(RWIA'2014)暨第十届中国机器人焊接会议(CCRW'2014)——In many cases,manual welding is the only option for production.Effort have been made to automate the welding process in such areas.But mostly mechanization has been achieved.Further work is being carried out for application of these new technology.For automation and intelligent control of welding technology needs a lot and long term effort of welding scientist and engineers.

关键词: 人工焊接 焊接自动化 焊接法 焊接工作者 2014年国际机器人焊接、智能化与自动化会议(RWIA'2014)暨第十届中国机器人焊接会议(CCRW'2014)

主讲人:院士、教授 潘际銮 机构:中国科学院、清华大学

时长:0:07:44 年代:2014年