Hydrological Niche of Restionaceae Species in Silvermine, South Africa

2015 International Conference on Water Resource and Environment(WRE2015)——This study generates its own unique microclimate hydrological datasets for modelling species niche. Additionally, this study assessed and modelled the effectiveness of the use of hydrological variables to determine species hydrological niche, at a microclimate level in a semi-arid environment. It also provided evidence regarding the importance of the study to conservation and future climate change impact analysis of plant species and species richness.

关键词: hydrological niche;restionaceae species;Silvermine;South Africa 2015 International Conference on Water Resource and Envi

主讲人:Dr. Danni Guo 机构:South African National Bioinformatics Institute (SANBI)

时长:0:13:30 年代:2015年