Up-Conversion Luminescence Behavior of Some Er or Yb/Er Co-Doped Phosphors under 1550 nm Excitation

2014 International Conference on Functional Materials(ICFM 2014)——Recently up-conversion luminescence has drawn much interest due to the potential applications in fluorescent bioprobes and bioimaging.Biological tissue is made up of the hard tissues,including bone,teeth,nails, and soft tissue,such as skin,muscles,and internal organs.

关键词: 上转换发光材料 激发荧光粉 荧光探针 生物组织 2014 International Conference on Functional Materials(ICFM 2014)

主讲人:Prof. Xixian Luo 机构:Dalian Maritime University

时长:0:22:22 年代:2014年