Distributed Synchronization in Large-scale Wireless Sensor Networks Using Average Consensus Protocol(2)

第九届中国传感器网络学术会议(CWSN2015)——Time synchronization is an important theoretical research in wireless sensor networks .The users can know accurately know the information in the monitoring area ,only when the sensors have a consensus clock .An innovative distributed time synchronization protocol ,called GCTS (group consensus time synchronization) ,was proposed for large‐scale wireless sensor networks .Each sensor node collects the clock information of the neighbors .The sensor update the clock information according to the result of calculation using group consensus protocol .The advantage of the protocol is fully distributed and it has simple calculation ,fast convergence rate and low energy consumption .At the same time ,the proof for the convergence of the proposed protocol is carried out using Lyapunov stability theory and graph theory .Finally ,the proposed protocol for large‐scale wireless sensor networks is implemented in Matlab ,and the experimental results meet the expected analysis .

关键词: time synchronization;group consensus;large-scale WSNs 第九届中国传感器网络学术会议(CWSN2015)

主讲人:Yanliang Jin 机构:Shanghai University

时长:0:11:36 年代:2015年