Persistence Characteristics of Floods and Droughts of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Basins Using Flood Duration Curve and Drought Duration Curve

2015 International Conference on Water Resource and Environment(WRE2015)——The Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna river basin is a unique basin in the world in terms of diversified climate. Climatic extremes specifically, floods and droughts are very common here. This study investigated the hydrological persistence characteristics of floods and droughts using Flood Duration Curve (FDC) and Drought Duration Curve (DDC).

关键词: persistence characteristics;Flood Duration Curve;Drought Duration Curve 2015 International Conference on Water Resource

主讲人:Dr. Muhammad Masood 机构:International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management(ICHARM)

时长:0:17:54 年代:2015年