Controllable Synthesis of Ceria-based Nano- and Meso-porous Materials(2)

2014 International Conference on Functional Materials(ICFM 2014)——Ceria,one of the most important functional rare earth(RE) materials,has been extensively studied in the past decades because of their widespread applications in catalysis,fuel cells,optical films,polishing materials,gas sensors and other fields,Ceria-based materials include a wide range of materials such as ceria,ceriazirconia solid solution,doped ceria,and others.

关键词: 二氧化铈 可控合成 催化性能 纳米材料 2014 International Conference on Functional Materials(ICFM 2014)

主讲人:院士 严纯华 机构:北京大学、中国科学院

时长:0:23:00 年代:2014年