Catalytic aerobic oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural to 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid in aqueous solution

第二届国际生物质催化炼制大会(CATBIOR 2013)——This talk discusses 4 themes: Ⅰ.The bimetallic Pt-Bi/C catalyst is stable upon recycling.Ⅱ.Ex-situ and in-situ preparation of Pt-Bi/C catalysts give the same performances.Ⅲ.HMF was completely and selectively converted to FDCA within 3 h in batch reactor using the chosen conditions. Ⅳ.FDCA was recovered by crystallization by addition of concentrated HCI.

关键词: 迁地保护 羟甲基糠醛 间歇式反应器 有氧氧化 第二届国际生物质催化炼制大会(CATBIOR 2013)

主讲人:M. Besson 机构:IRCELYON, Institut de recherches sur la catalyse et l’environnement de Lyon, UMR5256 CNRS-Université Lyon1, France

时长:0:21:39 年代:2013年