Structural Modulation from long-range order to short-range order(1)

第十届国际(中国)功能材料及其应用学术会议&第六届国际多功能材料与结构学术大会&首届国际新材料前沿发展大会介绍了——In the reciprocal space , diffuse bands converts into modulation diffraction spots from Nb0.8 to Nb 0.84. In the real space, domain with size of several hundred nm in Nb0.8 is formed but for Nb 0.84 there is no periodicity. In Nb0.84 sample , a grain is composed several domain with different modulation wave vector .

关键词: Structural ordering;long;short 第十届国际(中国)功能材料及其应用学术会议&第六届国际多功能材料与结构学术大会&首届国际新材料前沿发展大会

主讲人:Prof. Binghui Ge 机构:Anhui University

时长:0:12:35 年代:2019年