Fabrication of Three-Dimensional Nanofibrous Materials via Electrospinning CO2 e-Foaming

第十届国际(中国)功能材料及其应用学术会议&第六届国际多功能材料与结构学术大会&首届国际新材料前沿发展大会介绍了——a novel method which was called CO2 e-foaming technique combined with wet electrospinning to produce 3D electrospun scaffolds. It is highly effective and environmental friendly to expand the dense structure of the hydrophobic electrospun naofibers such as PCL and PLA.

关键词: Electrospinning;CO2;Three-Dimensional 第十届国际(中国)功能材料及其应用学术会议&第六届国际多功能材料与结构学术大会&首届国际新材料前沿发展大会

主讲人:Prof. Xin Jing 机构:Hunan University of Technology

时长:0:14:08 年代:2019年