Effects of Er/Sr/Cu Additions on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al-Mg Alloy during Hot Extrusion

2016中国国际功能材料大会(CIFM 2016)——The effects of Er/Sr/Cu additions on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Mg alloy during hot extrusion were studied by using metalloscope, scanning electron microscope, differential scanning calorimetry, stretcher, hardness tester, linear intercept method and equivalent area method in this paper.

关键词: microstructure;aluminum alloy;hot extrusion;recrystallization 2016中国国际功能材料大会(CIFM 2016)

主讲人:Prof. Xianquan Jiang 机构:Southwest University, China

时长:0:18:20 年代:2016年