Low-Temperature Catalyst-Free Growth of Graphene Crystals on Dielectrics for Nanodevices

第二届海峡两岸功能材料科技与产业峰会(2015)——Nitrogen doping is one of the most promising routes to modulate the electronic characteristic of graphene. Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor depostion (PECVD) enables low-temperature graphene growth. However, PECVD growth of nitrogen doped graphene (NG) usually requires metal-catalysts, and to the best of our knowledge, only amorphous carbon–nitrogen films have been produced on dielectric surfaces by metal-free PECVD.

关键词: chemical vapor deposition;doping;graphene;nanomaterials;scanning probe microscopy 第二届海峡两岸功能材料科技与产业峰会(2015)

主讲人:Prof. Dacheng Wei 机构:Fudan University

时长:0:19:31 年代:2015年