
2014中国功能材料科技与产业高层论坛——Two novel europium complexes with tris-diketones ligands and ligands bearing benzimidazole groups have been synthesized, and characterized by FT-IR, UV-Vis, H NMR, and element analysis. The photoluminescent properties of complexes in solid state, ethanol solution and embedded in poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) were investigated. All com¬plexes exhibited strong luminescent intensity and long luminescent lifetime. The intrinsic luminescent quan¬tum yields (#LN) and the stimulated emission cross¬section ($p) of complexes were obtained based on the emission spectra and luminescent lifetime of DO excit¬ed state for europium ion. All europium complexes ex¬hibited relative high intrinsic luminescent yields. In view of $p values, which are the same order as the values of Nd -glass laser for practical use, europium complexes could be promising for optical applications such as the high-power laser medium.

关键词: 激光研究 铕(III)配合物 发射光谱 荧光性能 2014中国功能材料科技与产业高层论坛

主讲人:研究员 张林 机构:中国工程物理研究院激光聚变研究中心

时长:0:18:27 年代:2014年