Oxide-based Electric-double-layer Transistors for Synaptic Electronics

2014中国功能材料科技与产业高层论坛——Synapse is the basic structure for information transfer in an ever-changing manner, and short-term plasticity allows synapses to perform critical computational functions in neural circuits. In our previous work, P-doped Si02 film was found to be a proton -conducting solid electrolyte. Recently, oxide-based protonic/electronic hybrid electric -double-layer transistors were reported by our group. Proton conducting Si02-based electrolyte films were used as the gate dielectrics.

关键词: 氧化物双电层晶体管 突触电子 半导体 神经仿生电子学 2014中国功能材料科技与产业高层论坛

主讲人:教授 万青 机构:南京大学电子科学与工程学院

时长:0:19:16 年代:2014年