Poly-(styrene sulphonic acid): an acid catalyst from waste polystyrene for reactions of interest in biomass conversion into biofuels and chemicals

第二届国际生物质催化炼制大会(CATBIOR 2013)——This talk discusses that Poly-(styrene sulphonic acid) prepared from waste polystyrene can be readily used as soluble catalyst.And it can be anchored on SiO2 by SOL-GEL methodologies.

关键词: 可溶性催化剂 苯乙烯磺酸 聚苯乙烯 生物质 生物燃料 第二届国际生物质催化炼制大会(CATBIOR 2013)

主讲人:M. López Granados 机构:Institute of Catalysis and Petrochemistry (ICP-CSIC), Spain

时长:0:19:53 年代:2013年