Making Sense of the Past through Personal Narratives(2)

The 5th Conference on Creative Education(CCE 2015)——This paper will present a way of using personal narratives, in particular the modern Asian memoir, in a university course and discuss the potential this kind of course has to foster creative and critical imagining and understanding of the past.In the autumn semester of 2014 I taught aclass called Asian Memoir at J. F. Oberlin University in Tokyo, Japan, to foreign, mostly western, students on short-term overseas studies program.In the process students achieve a multifaceted understanding of Asia and are able to enhance their independent, reflective, non-linear and critical thinking skills.

关键词: 回忆录 生平事迹 批判性思维 亚洲 The 5th Conference on Creative Education(CCE 2015)

主讲人:A.P. Lisa Yinghong Li 机构:J.F.Oberlin University

时长:0:11:53 年代:2015年