Basic Concept on Assessment of Contaminated Land(1)

The 7th International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health (EPPH 2015)——The investigation traditionally begins with desk studies involving reviewing past land uses, preliminary and detail investigation, followed by various in-situ and laboratory tests. Investigation and sample collections are usually carried out for both soils and groundwater and assessment is made based on the collected data during the investigation stages.Assessment generally considers the source-pathway-receptor concept and as well as other parameters such as attenuation, dilution, decay of contaminants, and receptor tolerable daily intake.

关键词: 污染土地 补救措施 评估程序 样品采集 The 7th International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health (EPPH 2015)

主讲人:Prof. Myint Win Bo 机构:DST Consulting Engineers Inc., Canada

时长:0:18:17 年代:2015年