Technical and Economical Merits of Power Systems Interconnection

The 6th Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2014)——This work aims at exploring the effects of the interconnection between isolated electric power systems upon some im- portant aspects such as enhancing reliability levels along with reducing installation and operation costs. To discern the advantages associated with this study, the developed methodology has been applied to three existing power systems in the northern region of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia presently within the concession domain of the Saudi Electric Company (SEC). These systems have been established to meet the present loads and to withstand future electrical de- mands for a period of time before additional generation and transmission reinforcements are needed. In this work, reli- ability measures have been utilized to determine the period that these systems can fulfill the present and future loads without affecting the reliability levels and the threshold that an additional capacity should be added to maintain those required reliability levels.

关键词: 电力系统互联 电源系统 运行成本 安装成本 沙特阿拉伯 The 6th Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2014)

主讲人:Prof. Abdullah Al-Shaalan 机构:King Saud University

时长:0:25:13 年代:2014年