
第三届国际神经再生高峰论坛(INRS2013)——While the astrocytic scar is one major barrier to regeneration, regeneration failure is also due in part to the synaptic entrapment of growth cones on NG2 glia (following MAC attack) through actions of LAR family receptors that cause an overly adhered synaptic state. Inactivation of LAR or PTP sigma in our scar model in vitro releases entrapment and allows for motile growth cones.

关键词: 胶质细胞 胶质瘢痕 瘢痕模型 生长锥 第三届国际神经再生高峰论坛(INRS2013)

主讲人:Prof. Jerry Silver 机构:美国凯斯西储大学

时长:0:16:48 年代:2013年